Should I Consider Donor Egg?

If you have been struggling to conceive due to poor egg quality or diminished ovarian reserve, you may be considering donor egg.  How do you know if this option is right for you and when is the right time to pursue it?  Let’s talk about donor egg IVF and how to decide if it’s your path to parenthood. 

What is Donor Egg IVF?

Donor Egg is an IVF cycle using the eggs donated by a woman to a recipient who is not able to conceive using her own eggs.  The donated egg is fertilized with the sperm of the male partner (or donated sperm, in some cases). A resulting embryo is transferred to the recipient’s uterus. 

Related Read: 10 Things I Wish I Knew Before Using An Egg Donor

Who does it help?

Donor egg is a great option for women who are struggling to conceive with their own eggs, women who have had an oophorectomy, women who carry an inherited medical condition, gay men starting a family, and other factors where a woman’s own eggs are not an option. 

How do you find a donor? 

When looking for a donor you can start by asking your fertility clinic if they have in-house donors who have already been screened and approved by your clinic, or if there are agencies your clinic regularly works with.  You may also choose to use someone you know or potentially someone in your family.  A known donor will still need to be screened and approved by your clinic. 

Would we need to share that we used donor egg?

The decision to use donor egg is a personal one and it is up to your family to decide how much or little you may want to share publicly.  Research and studies have proven that it is important that donor conceived children are told early and honestly their conception story.  There are many resources available for recipient parents who want ideas about talking to their children about their donor conception including online content, children’s books, and workbooks.  

Related Read: Talking To Children About Donor Conception

What are the first steps in pursuing this option?

The first step in considering egg donor IVF is to schedule an appointment with your doctor or clinic to discuss the process.  You may need updated exams or bloodwork before taking next steps.  Your clinic can go over your options for choosing a donor and the specific requirements.  You will also want to speak with someone at your clinic who can discuss financial options and explain the costs associated with an egg donor IVF treatment plan.

How do I make this difficult decision?

It is also important to begin considering the emotional exploration necessary before committing to donor conception.  Many families visit with a counselor or coach to discuss any questions or concerns they may have about using a donor.  It is natural to experience grief when making the difficult choice to pursue donor conception.  Find healthy ways to explore those feeling while making your decision. 

A great resource for exploring your feelings on donor conception is the book Three Makes Baby by Jana Rupnow. 

If you are family building with a partner, you will want to have a series of honest and thorough discussions to confirm you are both confident this is the right path for your family.  There will be many decisions to be made together, so active dialogue and being open to one another’s point of view is very important. 

Is Donor Egg the right solution for me?

The decision to pursue donor egg IVF is a very personal one, but if you have experienced unsuccessful cycles with your own eggs or feel certain that your own eggs are not an option, this could be the right time to open up the discussion on using a donor.

Related Read: Affirmations For Donor Egg IVF

 Egg donation is a beautiful option for those who are not able to conceive with their own eggs, but the process is complex and can be overwhelming.  Let me guide you to help clear the path for confident decision making and open communication.  Schedule your first FREE call today and we can get started building your family.


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