9 Questions To Ask At Your Fertility Consult

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Preparing to see a fertility doctor for the first time can be overwhelming.  You are likely excited to take a big step toward getting pregnant, but also nervous for all that lies ahead.  When anxiety like this sets in you might become mentally flooded and lose focus forgetting any questions you planned to ask and not fully comprehending the important information the medical team is sharing with you. 

One way to reduce your anxiety is to prepare for the meeting by organizing all questions that you have.  Write them down and bring them along to ensure you don’t forget anything.  Be sure to also bring a notebook and pen to write down all the information you are given at the appointment to reference later. 

Below is a list of sample questions you will want to ask your medical team to feel in control and confident in your treatment plan.

What testing is recommended?

Your doctor will likely order pre-cycle blood work to test your hormone levels.  Keep in mind some of these tests are run early in your cycle so you will schedule those accordingly.  Beyond the baseline blood work, your doctor will likely recommend an ultrasound to determine AFC, a hysterosalpingogram (HSG) which checks the fallopian tubes to ensure there are no blockages, an infectious disease screening, and a semen analysis if you have a male partner. 

Confirm with the doctor if additional testing is recommended as well as when and how you can schedule all tests. 

Related Read: Infertility Is Hard. How To Make It Easier

Does the clinic offer weekend/ evening appointments? Do they offer in-person as well as virtual appointments?

Your body and cycle don’t operate on a M-F/9-5 schedule so be sure to understand how your clinic manages those needs.  Ask if your doctor offers virtual appointments to avoid unnecessary travel times if the office is a distance from your home or office. 

How many doctors will you see?

In larger clinics it is not unusual for procedures to be performed by the doctor on schedule, rather than your assigned doctor.  Ask about how the clinic assigns procedures, so you are not surprised if it’s not a doctor you are familiar with.

What is my diagnosis?

You may have to wait until after all testing is completed before receiving a diagnosis but once your doctor has a determination of what is keeping you from getting pregnant make sure you understand the information and ask any questions you have to help you understand:

What does this diagnosis mean?
How did I develop this problem?
Is further testing needed?
With this information what are my chances of conceiving?

Related Read: 6 Life Lessons I Learned On My Fertility Journey

What are the recommended treatments?

Have a conversation about the recommended treatment options.  Find out what treatments the doctor has found to be the most successful.  If you are hoping to avoid more invasive treatments such as IVF, what options do they recommend?  Be honest about your feelings and questions right away so you and your medical team start on the same page. 

When can I start treatment?

You are likely anxious to begin treatment so ask what a reasonable timeline is to get started.  If you know you will be starting with a medicated cycle, IUI or IVF, have the doctor explain what a typical cycle calendar looks like for the treatment plan.  Ask if the practice batches treatments and if there is a wait to participate. 

What is the clinic’s success rate with similar cases?

The doctor should be able to show you data from previous cases.  All patients are different, and no outcome is guaranteed but knowing your clinic has a strong success rate will give you added confidence that they are the right team for you.  You can also visit the SART website for data on each clinic. 

Who is my contact for questions?

Be sure to understand who your day-to-day contact will be and the best way to reach them.  In a smaller practice you may communicate with the doctor themselves, but it also may be a nurse or coordinator.  What is the best phone number to reach them and what are the hours you can call with questions?  Do they also communicate by email or an online portal? 

Related Read: Advocating For Yourself With Fertility Treatment

Who do I talk to about finance?

The finance of fertility treatments can be complicated so ask for the correct contact person in the finance department.  Ask if the clinic accepts your insurance and how long approvals generally take.

If your insurance does not cover fertility treatments, be sure to talk to your contact about financing options and discounts on any needed medications.  Ask for any resources they have available for patients paying out of pocket. 

*Prior to your appointment, call your insurance company and ask for the details on your fertility treatment coverage. 

This is just a sample of questions you may want to ask your doctor or medical team.  Keep a notepad for any questions you think of in anticipation of your appointment and write them down, so you remember to ask.  Self-advocacy is essential with fertility care and you should never be uncomfortable or ashamed to ask questions or request more information on your treatment. 

If you are feeling overwhelmed, stressed or lonely during the two week wait or while managing fertility treatments… let's talk. 

I would love to help you navigate this challenging road and make the journey more positive.  Schedule a chat today and follow Positive Fertility on Instagram for daily support and inspiration!  

Don’t forget to download your FREE Ultimate IVF Checklist - a must read for anyone preparing for an upcoming treatment cycle.


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