5 Ways To Take Control Of Your Fertility

And Increase Your Chances Of Getting Pregnant

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Are you in control of your fertility?  A struggle to conceive may leave you feeling powerless and defeated and often leads to stress – which can disrupt the fertility hormones. 

There are aspects of our fertility we don’t have much influence on such as age or medical history but there are a number of ways you can influence your own ability to conceive whether you are trying on your own or navigating IVF, or fertility treatments. 

Below are 5 solutions to taking control of your fertility and empowering yourself to increase your chances of getting pregnant. 

Improving Physical Health

Making small improvements in your daily routine such as nutrition choices and making time for exercise, can make a big difference while trying to get pregnant.  Adding fertility-friendly foods packed with protein and healthy fats, like eggs and salmon, to your daily diet is a great way to prepare your body for pregnancy.  Leafy greens, such as kale, spinach and swiss chard, are full of the vitamins essential for getting pregnant and staying pregnant. 

Related Read: Infertility Is Hard; How To Make It Easier

In addition, adding movement to your daily routine such as walking, yoga or strength training can improve circulation, increase cardiovascular health, and decrease your risk of obesity and metabolic disease. There are loads of benefits to incorporating a fitness routine into your daily life when you are trying to conceive but be sure to talk to your doctor about starting a new program. 

Reduce Stress

Increased levels of cortisol, the stress hormone, can have a negative impact on your fertility.  Identify some calming strategies that work for you and prioritize them into your daily life.  A few minutes of mindful breathing or meditation can help you to slow down and reset your mind, and journaling can be very effective in managing anxious thoughts and feelings.  Acupuncture is incredibly effective for relieving stress and rebalancing our hormones as well as speaking with a coach or therapist to support your mental health.  Managing stress and anxiety is a crucial part of controlling your fertility.

Related Read: Finding Community and Support With IVF

Know Your Cycle

When trying to conceive or considering fertility treatments, it’s important to understand your own cycle.  Learning to chart your cycle using morning basil body temperature, ovulation predictor kits and monitoring cervical mucus (vaginal discharge) can be empowering on this journey.  Period apps are only helpful if you have a regular cycle, so to be confident you are taking advantage of the most fertile days of your cycle be sure to incorporate ovulation predictor kits, which detect a surge of LH hormone. 

To get pregnant faster you want to take the guesswork out of knowing your most fertile days and having a full understanding of your cycle will provide you with that information. 

Related Read: Learn to chart your own cycle here.

Current Blood Work

The blood tests for fertility will offer a picture of any challenges that might be preventing you from getting pregnant. If you haven’t had fertility blood work in 12 months or more, contact your doctor or clinic to request the blood panels most relevant to getting pregnant. 

The Day 3 Hormone Panel (FSH, AMH, estradiol, progesterone, testosterone/ DHEA, LH) is the baseline fertility blood work.  The results will offer insight into your ovarian reserve, egg quality, and general fertility health.  Often these tests are run in your doctor’s office but if you are not currently under the care of a fertility doctor there are home tests available.  You will want to review the results with a physician or health professional who can help you understand the results and guide you through the next steps. 

In addition to the baseline fertility tests, it is recommended to request a full thyroid panel. The TSH blood test is standard but thyroid function can strongly impact fertility, so for a full understanding it is best to ask for a full panel. 

Seek Support

Trying to get pregnant can be overwhelming and trigger anxiety.  If you find yourself flooded with the process of trying to conceive, or navigating IVF or fertility treatments, it can be highly beneficial to seek out support.  A fertility coach, online and in-person support groups, or a therapist are all excellent examples of resources to help you cope with the stress of trying to get pregnant.   Talking with someone who has experienced a similar journey can be validating and the guidance can give you a new confidence in your family building plan.

If you are becoming overwhelmed and discouraged in your fertility - I get it. I’ve been there. My private coaching system will offer you a safe space to talk through everything that is weighing you down and work with me on strategies and tools to navigate your fertility journey with confidence. Learn more about Private Coaching and schedule your FREE first call here. 

Be sure to follow Positive Fertility on Instagram for daily support and inspiration and don’t forget to download your FREE Ultimate IVF Checklist - a must read for anyone preparing for an upcoming treatment cycle.


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