How to Thrive (Not Just Survive) The Two Week Wait

Free Download: 3 Hidden Obstacles Standing In Your Way Of Pregnancy Success

Fertility treatments and IVF can be so emotionally complicated from the first consultations with your fertility clinic to the intimidating medications, to the dreaded Two Week Wait – commonly referred to as TWW.  For someone trying to conceive it is the agonizing stretch of time after she has ovulated or received treatment such as IUI or an embryo transfer and now waiting for a pregnancy test.

When trying to conceive or receiving infertility treatment, the two week wait can trigger heightened anxiety and stress. Wondering if this is the month you get a positive pregnancy test can put you on a rollercoaster of emotions making it difficult to get through just one day, never mind two weeks. 

So, what can you do?  How can you stay optimistic, or at least function in your everyday life, when your mind is consumed with wondering if you might be pregnant.  Here are some ideas to not only survive this anxious time but thrive in the process and prepare for whatever the results may be. 

Welcome All The Feelings – During this period of time after an embryo transfer or confirmed ovulation you may be feeling lots of complicated emotions as well as physical sensation.  Honor and embrace all of it.  Fighting what you are feeling can only increase stress.  Instead, experience the emotion, name it (I’m scared, frustrated, sad, etc), and remind yourself that anything everything you are feeling is okay.  It may help to journal the feelings to see them a bit more clearly. 

Related Read: 6 Benefits of Journaling Through a Fertility Journey

Get Moving - As long as your doctor approves, a low impact and relaxing exercise or movement session can be great for easing anxiety.  Try going for a walk, swimming, or taking a relaxing flow yoga class.  Movement is incredibly beneficial to finding a positive mindset.  *Be sure to consult with your doctor before participating in any exercise routine.

Prioritize Self-Care – Fertility treatment and IVF can be very difficult on the body and mind.  Take some time to care for yourself and nurture your well-being.  Rest, find ways to relax both physically and mentally, identify what you need to feel your best and make that a priority.

Related Read: Your Fertility Treatment Toolbox

Find Healthy Distraction – The two week wait can feel like such a long time.  Create a calendar of healthy ways you can spend that stretch.  Make plans with friends, start a creative project – creativity is a great way to decrease stress and tension, begin a new book or activity. 

Nourish Your Mindset – Finding a healthy and positive mindset is essential during while in this period of waiting.  Consider positive practices such as meditation and positive affirmations to reduce stress, allow yourself physical and mental rest, and focus on positivity. 

Here are five examples of positive affirmations you can use during the two week wait:

I am ready to be pregnant
I trust in my body
I know I will be an incredible parent
My time to have a baby is coming
The waiting is worth it

Related Read: Finding A Fertility Community for Support

Find Support – Often, one of the most effective ways to manage a complicated time like this is to seek out connection with someone you can openly talk to about your feelings.  Ask your partner, friend, or family member for some time to talk through your feelings.  Make sure you communicate your needs and specify if you are looking to hear advice or just want someone to listen.  If you are working with a therapist or coach, be sure to have a session scheduled for the opportunity to express your feelings in a safe and comfortable space. 

If you are feeling overwhelmed, stressed or lonely during the two week wait or while managing fertility treatments… let's talk. 

I would love to help you navigate this challenging road and make the journey more positive.  Schedule a chat today and follow Positive Fertility on Instagram for daily support and inspiration!  

Don’t forget to download your FREE resource - 3 Hidden Obstacles Standing In Your Way Of Getting Pregnant - a must read for anyone navigating IVF or fertility goals.


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