Self-Care During An IVF Cycle

10 Examples of How To Be Kind To Your Mind And Body

Free Download: 3 Hidden Obstacles Standing In Your Way Of Pregnancy Success

The pressure and stress of an IVF cycle can be difficult on the mind and body.  The medications, procedures and the pressure to do everything you can for a successful cycle can trigger anxiety.  Not only is this stress cycle unideal for conceiving but you deserve better. 

You have no doubt heard about the importance of self-care. The term is used often and can be associated with more luxurious treats like bubble baths and spa days, but truly self-care is more about taking care of your whole body and being kind to yourself.

Here are 10 examples of fertility self-care that are beneficial for your cycle as well as your physical and mental health.

Acupuncture – Find an acupuncturist that specializes in women’s health and fertility and set up some appointments during your cycle.  If visiting a clinic isn’t an options for you, consider acupressure which can be done conveniently at home.

Disconnect – Carve out some time to disconnect from anything causing you stress and identify some strategies to tune out the pressures of your cycle.  Reading a novel, having lunch with a friend, binging a television show or another way that allows you to give your mind and heart a rest from the pressure of your cycle

Related Read: Infertility Is Hard, How To Make It Easier

Rest – Rest is crucial for overall health especially when preparing for medical procedures and taking hormonal medications.  If you are struggling to get restful sleep, try an evening yoga practice, acupuncture, avoiding caffeine and avoiding screens before bedtime. 

Hydration and a Healthy Diet – Taking care of your physical body by drinking plenty of water and getting lots of nutrients is critical.  Hydration can be helpful in helping your body process all the extra hormones from medications and helps prevent Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome (OHSS).  Including lean proteins and antioxidants in your daily diet is great for overall health and keeping you feeling your best.

Positive Self-Talk and Affirmations – The stress, the pressure and all those hormones can have a strong effect on your mental health during an IVF cycle.  Start a daily practice of positive affirmations to decrease stress and anxiety throughout your cycle.  Focus on affirmations specific to where you are in your cycle such as preparing for an egg retrieval, embryo transfer or the two-week-wait.

Related Read: Positive Affirmations For An IVF Cycle

Find a Support Community – Navigating an IVF cycle can be overwhelming but finding a community of others who are also cycling or preparing to cycle can offer comfort.  It can be so helpful to hear from others who are managing similar side-effects, fears and anxiety.  Find an in person or online community on social media or through Resolve. 

Yoga or Meditation – Yoga and meditation can be very effective in relieving physical and mental stress.  You can find sequences and practices online that are focused on fertility and preparing for an IVF cycle.

Seek Joy – identify parts of your life that bring you joy and return to them when your journey is difficult.  Listen to music that makes you happy or carry a photo of your pet, family member or a moment in time that makes you smile.  Have you ‘joy list’ prepared, either mentally or written down, for times that you are struggling. 

Nurture Your Relationship – Carve out quality time with your partner to focus on your relationship aside from trying to conceive.  Schedule a date night or a fun getaway to distract you from the pressure of your cycle.  Spending time with a loved one is a beautiful form of self-care.  

Once you can identify which strategies are most effective for you, try and incorporate a form of self-care every day to be ready physically, mentally, and emotionally for your IVF cycle and ideally a successful embryo transfer.

I would love to help you navigate this challenging road and make the journey more positive.  Schedule a chat today and follow Positive Fertility on Instagram for daily support and inspiration!  

Don’t forget to download your FREE resource - 3 Hidden Obstacles Standing In Your Way Of Getting Pregnant - a must read for anyone navigating IVF or fertility goals.


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